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Saturday 7th September (23rd Sunday– Vigil Mass) at 6.30pm (Intention: Yorkshire Brethren Society)
Sunday 8th September (23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time) at 9.30am (Intention: The People of the Parish) & 11.00am (Intention: November Dead List)
Tuesday 10th September (Feria) at 7.00pm (Intention: Carmel Costello)
Wednesday 11th September (Feria) at 9.30am (Intention: Elaine Libaudiere)
Thursday 12th September (The Holy Name of Mary) at 9.30am (Intention: Dennis Walls)
Friday 13th September (St John Chrysostom) at 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List)
Saturday 14th September (24th Sunday– Vigil Mass) at 6.30pm (Intention: November Dead List)
Sunday 15th September (24th Sunday of Ordinary Time) at 9.30am (Intention: The People of the Parish) & 11.00am (Intention: Thomas McHugh & Steven Moore)
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Next Saturday (14th September) as part of the Year of Prayer & Preparation for the Jubilee Year of Hope next year, the Bishops of England & Wales are celebrating a Eucharistic Congress at St Mary’s College, Oscott (Birmingham) and have asked parishes across the country to have a period of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament at the same time. So, there will be a period of silent prayer before the exposed Blessed Sacrament here at St Joseph’s NEXT SATURDAY (14th September) 5.30pm to 6.20pm, concluding with Benediction.
CONFESSIONS: Tuesday 6.30pm-6.50pm; Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm.
PARISH OFFICE: Mondays and Fridays 9am–1pm. Janice: office.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
ONLINE SCRIPTURE GROUP: meets on Tuesday evenings. For info: pudseystjoseph@gmail.com
REST IN PEACE: Please remember in your prayers those of our parish who have died recently and their families: Bernard Bowden, whose cremation service is on Wednesday; Joan Webster, whose cremation service is on Thursday; and Steve McKay – a lifelong dedicated, well-known and much-loved parishioner, a talented musician at Mass (he has played the organ at St Joseph’s since he was aged 14!) and in our parish Theatre Group, who died suddenly last Wednesday and whose funeral details will be announced in due course.
BAPTISMS: Prayers and congratulations to Teddy Joseph Bernard Stanhope and Oscar Jakub Slater, who were baptised yesterday (Saturday), and their proud families!
Envelopes: £322.00; loose plate: £230.78; bank transfers: £996.00; Total: £1548.78. Sincere thanks for your generosity! Ukraine appeal: £4.00. You can continue to give to CAFOD’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine by putting your offering in an envelope marked ‘Ukraine’. Mission Appeal (for The Spiritans): £671.60.
* * * You can donate to our parish by clicking here * * * *
GIFT AID: Many thanks to those of you who have Gift Aid (GAD) agreements with our parish. It enables us to claim thousands of pounds a year back from the government tax office. If you have a GAD with our parish and would like to receive your annual receipt of giving by email, please contact Janice who will then add your email address to our database: office.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk If you don’t have a Gift Aid agreement with our parish, please also contact Janice for further information – thank you for your generous hearts!
BABY & TODDLER GROUP: has now resumed on Thursdays9-11am in the Parish Hall. We welcome any child from birth to nursery age and it is also an opportunity for mums, dads, grandparents, and childminders to meet each other and spend time together.
YOUTH SVP: The first meeting of our parish Youth SVP groups for the new school year will be on TODAY (Sunday 8th September) in the parish hall. Any new members from year 5 upwards would be very welcome to attend. Come along to the meeting with no pressure to join and see what we have planned for this year.
RED MISSION BOXES: Many of you have the Red APF Mission Boxes in your homes, and you can have them emptied now by bringing them to church and leaving them in the sacristy (not the church porch please). They will be emptied and returned to you for the following weekend. Thanks to Pat Lucas for her work with this – and if you would like to have a mission box, please speak with her, or get in touch with Fr Peter.
HERITAGE OPEN DAYS AT LEEDS CATHEDRAL: The Cathedral is taking part in these free events on Saturday 7th September (2.00pm start), Wednesday 11th September (1.15pm start) & Saturday 14th September (2.00pm start), when there will be guided tours, the option to visit the bell tower and a short organ recital. All welcome.
ANNUAL LEEDS DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM: Saturday 28th September led by Very Rev Canon Matthew Habron (Dean of Leeds Cathedral). Angelus and the celebration of Holy Mass at 12:00 noon at the shrine near the Slipper Chapel. The Mass will be followed by a break for lunch (bring a picnic). 2:30pm Solemn Procession into the village of Walsingham, concluding with Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the grounds of the Ancient Shrine around 3:30pm.
DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 2025 – APPEAL FOR G.P.: We are looking to appoint a GP to join our volunteer clinical team for the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes. The 2025 pilgrimage runs from Friday 4 – Thursday 10 July 2025. As part of the clinical team, you would be working alongside other doctors and nurses to support the needs of our assisted pilgrims. For more information, please contact lourdes.enquiries@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
Briery Weekly Online Meditations: Each Thursday evening The Briery hosts a meditation via Zoom focusing on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and provide an opportunity for shared reflection in small groups. Meditation begins at 7.30pm and the ‘doors’ are open from 7.15pm for a welcome and chat. All are welcome. Register for zoom link by emailing: admin@briery.co.uk
THE WISDOM YEARS DAY OF REFLECTION: Led by Margaret Silf. Monday 23rd September. A day of reflection exploring the challenges, blessings and fresh perspectives of our later years guided by scripture, story and our own lived experience. £48pp to include a two-course home-cooked lunch and all refreshments.
Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley LS29 9BW
For bookings & further information, please email briery@btconnect.com or tel. 01943 607287. www.briery.org.uk
PARISH MUSIC SUPPORT PROGRAMME: The Diocese of Leeds Music Department will run the first in a series of free workshops for parish musicians from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Sunday 6th October. It will take place in Wheeler Hall at Leeds Cathedral and focus on preparing musicians for the new translation of the lectionary. All are welcome to attend. Please register your interest with the Music Office in advance by contacting office@dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk or 0113 244 8634.
LAUDATO SI ANIMATOR: (volunteer role) needed! Are you passionate about our Climate Emergency and want to do more? Could you be the new Laudato Si Animator for the Leeds Diocese (the current one is retiring)? For more details email jandp@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
E-NEWS EDITOR VACANCY: required by the Justice & Peace Commission. We need someone to actively seek out articles from across the Diocese of Leeds, edit them (occasionally write!) and upload them to the news and views sections of our website. Training in using WordPress provided where needed. Approximately 10hrs per month @ £20 per hour. Email treasurer.jandp@dioceseofleeds.org.uk for more information
Urgently required Support Worker for Adults with Learning Disabilities to cover a period of long-term sickness, £23,151 – £24,294 pro rata (based on qualifications and experience. Location: Keighley Post: up to 37 hours with shift patterns to include weekends and bank holidays, sleep-in allowance payable @ £40.76 per sleep
For further details and how to apply please visit http://www.catholic-care.org.uk/recruit/latest-vacancies/ or telephone 0113 388 5400 to request an application form.
CARITAS LEEDS DAY OF REFLECTION AND ACTION: Please join us to find out more about the ongoing development of Caritas Leeds, how it links with Catholic Social Teaching and how you can become involved in social action taking positive steps to make an impact on what Pope Francis refers to as “globalisation of indifference”. Saturday 21 September 10am – 3.30pm, Hinsley Hall, LS6 2BX. Lunch included. Register at www.tinyurl.com/caritasleeds
CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION FOR RACIAL JUSTICE: are holding their 40th Anniversary Northern Conference on Saturday 21st September (10:30 arrivals with mass at 3:15pm) at St Patricks Church, Foundry Street, Oldham OL8 1FR. The Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission will reimburse travel costs by public transport. Email jandp@dioceseofleeds.org.uk for more information.
WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES CELEBRATION: SPARK and Leeds Diocesan Catholic Care are hosting an event on Sunday 29th September at Wheeler Hall (Leeds Cathedral) 2pm–4pm. Come to hear one family’s story of their journey from Syria to Yorkshire as refugees and sample some delicious Syrian food too. Booking is essential before 18th September: www.sparksocialjustice.org.uk
CAMINO FOR THE LITTLE SISTERS: Sheena Lodge, the mother of Fr Simon Lodge of our diocese, is walking part of the ancient Camino to Santiago de Compostela in September to raise money for the redevelopment fund for the Little Sisters of the Poor here in Leeds. To sponsor her and for more information see: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/LittleSistersOfThePoorLeeds
PERGOLESI STABAT MATER AT LEEDS CATHEDRAL: Join Leeds Cathedral Senior Girls Choir and Baroque in the North for a performance of Pergolesi’s masterpiece and other music for choir and strings by Charpentier, Monteverdi and Vivaldi. Thursday 19th September at 7pm. Tickets £10, available on the door.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE: prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil outside the MSI abortion facility, Leeds. 25th September to 3rd November, 7am to 7pm. To get involved as a prayer partner or as a vigil volunteer contact: Chris Redding 0781568134 email 40daysforlifeleeds@gmail.com Further info: www.40daysforlife.com/Leeds
BRINGING SCRIPTURE ALIVE WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY: with Fr Chris Angel. Join us at Hinsley Hall, LS6 2BX on Saturday 14th September 2.00pm-3:30pm for our next Bishop’s Certificate workshop. Open to all and free to attend, we look forward to seeing you there. Book with us at formation@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR FUNDRAISING IRISH NIGHT: to help the new building fund for Mount St Joseph’s. Friday 27th September at 7.30pm at Leeds Irish Centre, Tickets £20.00 with Irish Stew, Irish Dessert a licensed bar. Great Irish band and dancing, great raffle and action. Please come along and support the Little sisters with their Building Appeal. Thankyou! funds.leeds@lsplondon.co.uk
ANNUAL BATLEY TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION: Monday 7th October 2024, 7:30pm. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School processing to the nearby St Mary of the Angels’ Catholic Church. Led by Mgr Paul Grogan, and the sermon preached by Fr Simon Lodge, the Torchlight Procession is a fine expression of our Catholic faith and gives honour to Mary, Mother of God. Refreshments will be served in the parish hall afterwards.
BRADFORD CATHOLIC PLAYERS: present Sister Act 13th – 16th November at Yeadon Town Hall Theatre, Wed-Fri at 7.30 pm, Saturday 1pm & 5.30pm. Ticket Prices: Wednesday: Adults £18, Under 18 £5, Thursday to Saturday: Adults £23, Under 18 £10. To book your tickets: www.ticketsource.co.uk/bradfordcatholicplayers or email bcptickets@live.co.uk or call our ticket secretaries at 07305 632 513.
SAFEGUARDING OFFICER VACANCY: Maternity cover (part-time considered), Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, Leeds. Start: ASAP. Closing date: Friday, 13 September 2024. Further info: click here. To discuss or arrange a visit, contact Alicja Budka, a.budka@notredamecoll.ac.uk
LAY CHAPLAIN VACANCY: Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, Leeds. Start: ASAP. Closing date: Monday, 07 October 2024. Further info: click here To discuss or arrange a visit, contact Alicja Budka, a.budka@notredamecoll.ac.uk