To download the print edition, please click here.


Saturday 5th October (27th Sunday– Vigil Mass) at 6.30pm (Intention: Walter Nolan – A)

Sunday 6th October (27th Sunday of Ordinary Time) at 9.30am (Intention: William Chawke) & 11.00am (Intention: November Dead List)

No Masses Monday – Wednesday this week

Thursday 10th October (St Paulinus of York) at 9.30am (Intention: November Dead List)

Friday 11th October (Feria) at 9.30am (Intention: Fr Michael O’Reilly – A)

Saturday 12th October (28th Sunday– Vigil Mass) at 6.30pm (Intention: Margaret Broderick)

Sunday 13th October (28th Sunday of Ordinary Time) at 9.30am (Intention: Steve McKay) & 11.00am (Intention: The People of the Parish)

Welcome and thank you to Fr Kevin Firth who will celebrate the Masses this weekend.

CONFESSIONS: Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm. No confessions on Tuesday this week.

PARISH OFFICE: Mondays and Fridays 9am–1pm. Janice: office.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

ONLINE SCRIPTURE GROUP: meets on Tuesday evenings. For info: pudseystjoseph@gmail.com


Envelopes: £237.00; loose plate: £303.71; bank transfers: £906.00; Total: £1446.71. Sincere thanks for your generosity! Ukraine appeal: £25.00. You can continue to give to CAFOD’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine by putting your offering in an envelope marked ‘Ukraine’.

* * * You can donate to our parish by clicking here * * * *

CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY: Every year at this time we are asked to support CAFOD’s global efforts to combat world poverty and famine while we enjoy our own harvest. The focus this year is Daniel from Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo. Daniel took an opportunity to participate in carpentry classes run by CAJED, CAFOD’s local partner in Goma. Thanks to the donations of CAFOD supporters like you, Daniel learned how to make furniture. He now has a small workshop and makes tables, chairs, and doors that he sells in his local community. £10 can teach someone how to read. £60 can provide training like carpentry and sewing for those who missed out on schools so they can earn a living. £400 can buy all the tools, equipment and teaching materials for six months of carpentry training.

We will have a collection after all the Masses this weekend for your offerings. You can still contribute to this collection next weekend – please take a CAFOD envelope from the church porch and put it in the collection next weekend.


PRISONERS SUNDAY: is next Sunday (13th October) and there will a second collection for PACT, the leading Catholic charity in prisons. Last year its dedicated staff and volunteers supported more than 485,000 visits, took over 33,000 calls to the Prisoners Families Helpline, and helped over 400 people with emergency welfare grants. For more information see: www.prisonadvice.org.uk

RED MISSION BOXES: Many of you have the Red APF Mission Boxes in your homes, and you can have them emptied now by bringing them to church and leaving them in the sacristy (not the church porch please). They will be emptied and returned to you for the following weekend. Thanks to Pat Lucas for her work with this – and if you would like to have a mission box, please speak with her, or get in touch with Fr Peter.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Parents of baptised Catholic children in Year 6 or above who live in our parish and who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to register for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which will take place in our parish in January 2025. Preparation will begin in November, and the deadline for applications is the Friday 18th October. Please see www.stjosephpudsey.org.uk/confirmation and follow the link for the registration, or contact Maria: catechist.stjoseph.pudsey@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

LIVING FAITH: The new editions (October-December) of these popular daily devotional booklets are now available in the church porch. If you can leave a donation of £2 each, we would be grateful.

HANDMAIDS WOMEN’S GROUP: Join the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal for Adoration, Music, Rosary, opportunity for Sacrament of Reconciliation and refreshments. Friday 11th October 7.00-8.30pm Corpus Christi Church, Neville Road, Leeds LS9 0HD.

PRAYER FOR THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS: The second session of the Synod commenced on the 2nd October. The Holy Father has requested the prayers of the whole Church during the Synod. During October, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, please consider offering a decade of the Rosary each week to pray for the maternal intercession of the Mother of God for the Church and for the members of the Synod.

WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT? Re-connect with the wonderful story of God’s creation. Come to the next J&P Day of Reflection. Saturday 19th October SS John Fisher & Thomas More, Burley-in-Wharfedale. Please register by going to www.leedsjp.org.uk and follow the link.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE: prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil outside the MSI abortion facility, Leeds. 25th September to 3rd November, 7am to 7pm. To get involved as a prayer partner or as a vigil volunteer contact: Chris Redding 07815 68134 email 40daysforlifeleeds@gmail.com Further info: www.40daysforlife.com/Leeds

NEW BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY TRAINING: A two-day course for those wishing to learn how to accompany those who are grieving. Saturday 11th January & Saturday 18th January 2025 10am–4pm at The Briery Retreat Centre, Ilkley. For more information or an application form please contact the Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Care team at epbereavementcare@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

ANNUAL BATLEY TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION: Monday 7th October 2024, 7:30pm. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School processing to the nearby St Mary of the Angels’ Catholic Church. Led by Mgr Paul Grogan, and the sermon preached by Fr Simon Lodge, the Torchlight Procession is a fine expression of our Catholic faith and gives honour to Mary, Mother of God. Refreshments will be served in the parish hall afterwards.

ST WILFRID’S WAY: Our 9th annual Diocesan ‘camino’ between Leeds Cathedral & Ripon will be walked on Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October. Please could all pilgrims planning to join any stage of either or both days of the Pilgrimage register their interest by emailing communications@dioceseofleeds.org.uk

The parishes through or past which we will be walking: Mother of Unfailing Help (Cathedral and Holy Rosary), Immaculate Heart, Moortown, St Joseph, Wetherby, St Robert, Harrogate, St Joseph, Bilton, St Mary, Knaresborough, St Joseph, Bishop Thornton, St Wilfrid, Ripon.

BRADFORD CATHOLIC PLAYERS: present Sister Act 13th – 16th November at Yeadon Town Hall Theatre, Wed-Fri at 7.30 pm, Saturday 1pm & 5.30pm. Ticket Prices: Wednesday: Adults £18, Under 18 £5, Thursday to Saturday: Adults £23, Under 18 £10. To book your tickets: www.ticketsource.co.uk/bradfordcatholicplayers or email bcptickets@live.co.uk or call our ticket secretaries at 07305 632 513.

LAY DOMINICANS: are men and women, single and married, who commit themselves to lives of prayer, study, community and sharing the Gospel. If you are interested in exploring this way of life, contact Simon Hewitt at s.hewitt@leeds.ac.uk


Briery Weekly Online Meditations: Each Thursday evening The Briery hosts a meditation via Zoom focusing on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and provide an opportunity for shared reflection in small groups. Meditation begins at 7.30pm and the ‘doors’ are open from 7.15pm for a welcome and chat. All are welcome. Register for zoom link by emailing: admin@briery.co.uk

PILGRIMS OF HOPE – PARISH RETREAT: Spaces are available to join the parish retreat weekend on 18th – 20th October, led by the Briery Team. £180pp fully inclusive.

ADVENT DAY OF REFLECTION: Saturday 7th December.

ADVENT PREACHED RETREAT: Friday 13th to Sunday 15th December.

Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley LS29 9BW

For bookings for the above & further information, please email briery@btconnect.com or tel. 01943 607287. www.briery.org.uk


LAY CHAPLAIN VACANCY: Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, Leeds. Start: ASAP. Closing date: Monday, 7th October 2024. Further info: click here To discuss or arrange a visit, contact Alicja Budka, a.budka@notredamecoll.ac.uk

ASSISTANT HEAD OF DEPARTMENT VACANCY: PTE (Philosophy, Theology and Ethics – Core RE), Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College, Leeds.  Start: ASAP. Closing date: Monday, 14 October 2024. Further information please see here

VARIOUS VACANCIES: including Class Teacher, Pastoral Lead and SEND Support. Our Lady and St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, Idle, Please visit https://www.ourladyandstbrendans.co.uk/about-us/vacancies for more information.

DEPUTY HEADTEACHER VACANCY: St Edward’s Catholic Primary School, Boston Spa. Start: January 2025. Closing date: Tuesday 15th October 2024. Please contact stedwardsadmin@st-edwards.leeds.sch.uk for more information about this position.